So far nothing on a possible Joey MacDonald call up which would mean Rick DiPietro is suspended. With the Islanders playing on the West Coast tomorrow we will get a quick answer through team recalls if they suspect Campbell will uphold the league rule in this case. Michael Fornabaio's blog will likely be first if he's in Norfolk with the Sound Tigers.
You can also check in Utah to see if Mike Mole or another goalie was recalled to Bridgeport, with the Sound Tigers in Norfolk the next two days that move would have to come quickly.
Islanders website: Cory Witt released a digest of the best of the Islanders in the media in 2007. Subjects link to articles on the playoff run a year ago, playing signings in the summer, Al Arbour coverage and many of the games to date.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Good digest of articles, impressed they included Pat Flatley's article. I'm a little surprised the features done on Dubie still has working links because many go out of date or direct you to the papers archive section.
I have not taken time to comment on this but it's amazing how hard the Islanders media people work between the ITV updates, the stat packs, previews, postgames, WJC, and now this. The new video digest of the game incorporate in the game summary is outstanding to say nothing of how much Mr Botta and Mr Witt put into their blogs.
I'm missing a lot of other things here too like Blue and Orange Review for starters, outstanding work across the board.
When you do a blog like mine with a lot of updates I tend to look past how hard the Islanders works behind the scenes at their own content. I thought today would be a good time to recognize their efforts.
If only we had beatwriters in four local papers working this hard to bring us the Islanders story daily.