Now it gets interesting. What veterans will step up, give their names and put the blame on Nolan and say they did not like the direction vs those who supported and back Ted Nolan and feel the problem rest with the players management brought in?
Will any of them say they want out and publicly demand a trade if Ted Nolan is no longer head coach or privately request they would like to move on?
What will captain Bill Guerin, Mike Comrie, Brendan Witt, Mike Sillinger, Trent Hunter, Andy Sutton, Richard Park and the rest of the older players have to say here if anything at all?
Is it fair on my part to speculate Doug Weight only spoke through Bill Guerin because he had an idea this was coming and that we will not hear anything from Weight until a new coach is hired and things settle down? I guess Mark Streit was a safe distance away in another country.
This could lead to a few more openings for prospects as Garth Snow could look to move a few players who maybe Ted Nolan wanted here.
Quick Hits:
What did get lost yesterday in the mix is what does this mean for Sean Bergenheim and those players who had to accept qualifying offers by yesterday's deadline?
I asked Mr Fornabaio in his blog, maybe he can find out for us today.
My outside/outside/outside picks for new coach:
Dave Lewis
Kevin Constantine-Houston Aeros AHL
Greg Cronin
Jeff Jackson (anyone see him in the NCAA tournament go to the finals?
Don Lucia (kidding) but at least him and Snow would be fighting to get college players to the NHL together.
Interesting in our poll it seems we have the same difference of opinion of where Jeff Tambellini should play with the vote almost split over all four lines.
Almost feel bad for this kid who seems to have been caught up in this, he may or may not make it but he deserves better and seems like a very classy person by his comments and interviews.