Too bad it was not about the game, how the team played or to profile a player but what amounts to his latest public tantrum about club policy on injuries which began back in June when he found out Guerin-DiPietro had surgery.
His latest is DiPietro may not have been hurt but the team/Gordon/Snow did not want to talk about if he was pulled because the Witt injury was announced in the press box Thursday but not an injury to DiPietro.
Apparently Mr Logan now says he will make his own policy where he says he will insult the Islanders injury reports the way they insult his intelligence and of course played the fan card as if he does this for our benefit?
NYI Fan Central Comments:
I think it's time Greg Logan find another team to cover, his act has gotten old.
Mr Logan, the team does not trust you or Newsday's staff for their coverage of our team and I do not blame them. This goes back before the company that decided to regulate television coverage got control of Newsday.
Do not use our fans to act like your doing anything for us when you could not even come close to keeping up with Mr Zipay last year and wanted no part of DiPietro starting the all-star game while Zipay was live-blogging the young-star game for his readers.
If you were here for us we would have seen at least as many blogs and features as the other club in Newsday received last season.
You could not even bother blogging on DiPietro's injury at the skills competition and ignored the goaltender won six games in a row after the ASG.
You're all over DiPietro only when it's bad news and did not dare pull this on Guerin, Comrie, Sillinger, Satan or another veteran who also played hurt and struggled last year so do not mislead our fans claiming you treat everyone the same.
Not so, not even close.
DiPietro lost a member of his family and you turned it into a circus when he did not play, when he returned and struggled you wrote he was hard-headed on 3/20.
You ran to Nolan and made his contract public issue last season over gameday coverage and got everyone talking about it, not the Islanders. Following that you magnified an issue with Dubielewicz out of all proportion where Katie Strang covered a team event the next day and Nolan even said he did know there was a dispute.
You did a fine job stirring the pot on Snow-Nolan not being on the same page to where they finally decided to part company, sometimes all it takes is the media to push a bad relationship over the edge.
Receive any Thank You cards from Ted Nolan lately?
What happened the night in June after the team announced it's injury policy?
You hooked up with Marc Gandler and we saw false headlines the next day about Yashin that had to be retracted by your paper after an earlier mistake where your paper did a headline Nolan threated veterans with trades.
You did not even bother with a Bergenheim update when you had Gandler so please give everyone a break about what you are doing for our fans.
How many articles so far in the first seven games Bailey may not have been the right choice to stir up the public?
The New York Islanders do not trust you, don't ever play the card you are here for us because that is an outright lie.
You forgot to write Freddy Meyer was bone-headed for his turnover.
This is what happens folks when one media person covers a team and there is no one in the media to keep him honest. Mr Logan pulled this on the Jets or Coles this week after the Jet receiver was a lot less eloquent than the Islanders five other writers would have blistered Mr Logan because there is media competition with football.
Sorry to write I suspect folks who work well together will stick together here and justice by avalanche will be the rule. When a club is struggling it's very easy to play the fan card and gain support.
I suspect no team has less trust for it's beatwriter or it's local media than the New York Islanders, given I read these articles and post them I do not blame the club one bit.
If Greg Logan does not like it, feel free to put in for another team beat.
He comes off like the Islanders pull what the Knicks do clearing questions/interviews with security following them and even those writers did not go off this often about team/league policy.
But those writers still love the Knicks and that's the rub, for Greg Logan this is another assignment, nothing more.
Star-Tribune: Michael Russo did not take this kind of unprofessional tantrum when the Wild reported Marian Gaborik was out with his latest injury and listed it as lower body and the general manager did not want to talk. He did not go into a tirade about everyone can figure out where he has been injured.
I think it's time for a new beatwriter.