NYI Fan Central Comments:
This is one of those days the ITV interviews need to be watched with a full minute plus of Scott Gordon answer questions and Mr Logan writing responses.
Newsday gave the Knicks
One print article is not what I would call enhanced coverage and that has nothing to do with the beatwriter because his second article seemed to be his post-game blog.
Most games in the first half of last season the Islanders received a second print article before the Superbowl.
Newsday: Mr Logan instead in the Islanders Newsday blog had what we can call a second article with more on O'Bryne's goal with the Islander player comments. Mr Logan felt Canadians head coach Guy Charboneau threw Mark Streit under the bus explaining why the fans booed him for leaving "to take the money" elsewhere while Streit commented.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Good stuff from Mr Logan defending Streit for taking the money as any player would, seems to be some lingering bad feelings with Guy Charboneau as Streit was outspoken about his forward-defense role with the Canadians when he signed here.
Seems Streit (at least in Newsday) took the high road in his return to Montreal while Guy Charboneau took the low road when he should have credited him for his defensive play.
Montreal Gazette: Red Fisher's game coverage noted players who do not score for the Canadians did the damage in this game in an article where he questioned Alexei Kovalev.
Montreal Gazette: Pat Hickey also had game coverage.
Note-Peter Botte was assigned by Leon Carter's Sports department to cover team Cablevision Monday with a lot more space than his Islander coverage receives. There was even room for a Gretzky feature.
Ct Post: Micheal Fornabaio had the Sound Tigers weekly during the day Monday.