Also reported the league did give the Islanders permission to sign Mike Dunham during the game if he was needed as a spare goalie in the event of an injury to Yann Danis.
Newsday: Greg Logan in the pregame (before Joey MacDonald's injury) reports in the Islanders Newday blog the Islanders are one of three clubs speaking to Wade Dubielewicz about a possible return with his agents comments which include no bridges were burned.
Mr Logan indicates Dubie would have to be signed to a one-way deal which would mean (pre-MacDonald injury) that Rick DiPietro's season is likely over.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
One thing for sure, with only four more games until February (given long break) it's starting to look like it's over for DiPietro if he is visiting more doctors.
Dubie did what Garth Snow and a lot of players have done, gone to Russia and left during the season. He was bought out while a home grown product (Stanislav Galimov) beat him out for a spot with prospect Kirill Petrov's Russian team. His numbers were not good in the KHL and it looks like the prospect goaltender outplayed him given the stats for the team here with both goaltenders playing twenty one games. If he has options with three other teams would he sign here to showcase himself for a few months knowing it's DiPietro's job when he is finally ready?
One thing for sure is with the injury to MacDonald he would see his share of work but I'm not sure Yann Danis is going to be moved out so easily. Bottom line is Garth Snow needs some depth at the goaltenders spot unless the gm wants to bring up Nate Lawson or Peter Mannino.
Either way Dubie is a short-term option here unless his agents receives two years from Garth Snow (doubtful) which could mean the end for MacDonald and a reversal of what happened when MacDonald received a one way contract. If Dubie signs he may need a conditioning stint of his own.
In my estimation this is about familiarity for both sides where both seem to need the other. Two NHL teams besides the Islanders are interested in Dubie playing at this level?
I'm not buying that so quickly given how did not sign with an NHL team last summer.
Having written all this exploratory talks are just that.
Newsday: Steve Zipay had Ranger centric game coverage or a combined game summary which included nothing from the New York Islanders in terms of comments which is a terrible job by Newsday considering how the Islander prospects outworked the Rangers for big parts of this game and there should be equal quotes from both sides in a combined article.
Newsday: Mark Herrmann's article gives a lot of fair reasons why the team should shut down Rick DiPietro for the season and has head coach Scott Gordon's comments on what would have happened if Yann Danis did not finish in goal while Bill Guerin comments on what Mike Dumham was doing to get ready.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Not for anything but I did hear Richard Park mentioned as the emergency goaltender a few times. It's something that is so rare with both goaltenders getting injured that it virtually never enters the radar.
Given some or Mr Herrmann's recent work he was very fair with this aritcle and did not look to beat on a player who has only tried to return to help his team even if it has not worked out.
Point Blank: Mr Botta for his part had more information about how the Islanders played and the game than all of the writers which indicates a terrible job by the media telling the Islanders game story which should never be secondary to off-ice events.
Mr Logan for his part is making his pre-game blog his second story for the print edition more and more. Sometimes that's necessary like with a story like Dubie & DiPietro, others not so much. This is why more blog entries are required but he was honest enough with the readers to question himself on whether he did enough for Weight, Bailey recently so we'll see how things go in that department.
NY Post: Dan Martin's game coverage was mostly on the injury to Joey MacDonald and the litany of injuries to the Islanders with comments from Bill Guerin and head coach Scott Gordon.
NY Post: Larry Brooks did not credit the Islanders for basically outplaying the Rangers in his article, instead telling us what we already know about the Rangers trap and their defensive system.
Daily News: Michael Obernauer who is the Ranger beatwriter had head coach Scott Gordon's comments in what is somewhat of a combined article that did not receive much space but points out the Islanders took 18 of the last 19 shots of the first period.
Daily News: Peter Botte's article was on the ramifications of Mike Dunham dressing with head coach Scott Gordon's comments along with more on DiPietro. A few words on Dubielewicz are also are included.
The NY Times did not send a writer to either Msg game to report on Islanders-Rangers but Lynn Zinser does a Ranger centric story for tonight's game here.
Journal News: Had Sam Weinman's Ranger centric coverage.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
NY Times is very strange in their coverage of New York hockey. No other word can be applied for a paper that puts more time and space in the KHL and Europe than all three local teams.
Their Islander feeder pulls out three week old game results and is useless, where have you gone George Vecsey? Former beatwriter Dave Caldwell comes out to do a rip job on the club and nothing else since camp?
The Canadians go to Msg and one paragraph is done on the game so a feature can be done on a Habs player? This SI format they keep forcing has been an abject failure and is the MsgNY of hockey reporting which deserves the sack like that program.
Calgary Herald: John Garrett has a few words on the all-star selection process praising the selection of Mark Sreit.
Ct Post: Michael Fornabaio has head coach Jack Capuano's comments on the acquisition of right winger Junior Lessard who the beatwriter describes as a player with a reputation for a scoring touch to go with an all-around game and what this adds to a mix with fifteen healthy forwards?
The Sound Tiger coach also praised Brett Skinner for his play and described his final words with the defenseman upon learning of the trade.
Bridgeport travels to Hartford for a Wednesday game at 7pm.
Note-The Chicago Sun Times and the other publication that covers the Wolves did not have anything beyond AP regarding the trade.