Daily News: Peter Botte's extremely limited space is almost as much about the Islander fans losing ground in the race for Jonathan Tavares than it is about the teams play. Head coach Scott Gordon comments on Kyle Okposo, Yann Danis about how a shutout made no difference to him.
NY Post: Dan Martin's theme is mostly the same as Mr Botte's noting the club's improved health. Kyle Okposo comments.
NY Post: Larry Brooks was long overdue to throw something against the wall about the Islanders, today was the day claiming they are in the bottom five or three in NHL gate receipts (he did not elaborate if this includes Smg taking part of gate) and that they should be entitled to participate in NHL revenue sharing because they are not a big market team despite being in New York.
NHLPA Director Paul Kelly is quoted that the television-market clause discriminates unfairly against teams like the Islanders and Ducks and that the union would certainly support eliminating that clause based on Hawks past problems under Bill Wirtz with the Hawks games not televised during that era which was why many feel it was put into the CBA.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
In the world of Larry Brooks some will see this as a positive article, but it's not.
One year Mr Brooks is telling us about all the Islander fans at the Garden, the next how they have no fan presence in New York at all as he did toward the end of last season.
It's as bad as him praising Ted Nolan and then a month later running him down in print last season.
Too bad Mr Brooks left out what company does all they can to restrict New York Islander access in this market to keep their marketabilty low. If Charles Wang is losing 20m a year, that's less than the paper Mr Brooks is employed by reported the Rangers were losing according to the Post a few years ago.
(broken link)
September 17, 2004 -- The owners of the perennially money-losing
Rangers hockey team are going to plug up a big red-ink hole with the
National Hockey League shutdown of the season. The Rangers haven't made the playoffs in seven years or any profits in years.
In fact, industry sources say the team loses between $25 million and
$30 million a year with its highly paid players and steep overhead in
Madison Square Garden arena.
With the team now on ice, owner Cablevision, controlled by media
mogul Chuck Dolan, won't have to write that many big checks for
hockey players.
It'll lose revenue, of course, from the 41 home games at the Garden,
but analysts say the typical $45 per seat for Ranger games is hardly
a drop in the bucket in Cablevision's fortunes.
Miami Herald: George Richard's coverage and blog on the Panthers loss calls Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum the Worlds Most Famous Arena in his pregame but felt the Panthers had the better of the play while head coach Peter Deboer just feels the Islanders have their number at the Coliseum.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Works for me, I used to like Fort Neverlose which Mike Lupica gave as a nickname long ago.
Newsday: Mark Herrmann's coverage of the Islanders three game winning streak is about Nassau Coliseum lineage with comment from the son of the late Welton Becket and Denis Potvin on his days in the brand new " Nassau Coliseum " with a few words on the Lighthouse project.
Former Islander Bryan McCabe also comments.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Did you really expect Mr Herrmann to write about the team on the ice when they win a few games?
Of course he got his quotes in advance of the game.
Sun-Sentinel: Steve Gorten's coverage.
Palm Beach Post: Not sure if Brian Biggane's paper provides road coverage.
NY Times: David W.Chen in a feature on politicians and sports reports Representative Anthony D. Weiner idolized Islanders goaltender Chico Resch was he was growing up.
Toronto Sun: Steve Simmons plays the shockjock game big time and writes Jonathan Tavares should refuse to play for the Islanders because there is no hope for the franchise.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
As opposed to playing for Toronto who have four less championships than the New York Islanders since 1967 and lost their playoff spot outright to them in 06-07?
Sure seemed like there was plenty of hope here during the 2002 playoffs.
How fast would Jason Blake be on the next plane here if it were not for the money, despite finally finding his offensive game after a year and a half.
All due respect to Mr Simmons but there is not a lot of hope in the Leafs current roster and Garth Snow has Toronto's draft pick, silly stuff.
Newsday: Mark Herrmann does his latest Ranger infomercial on Henrik Lundqvist.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Looks like Mr Herrmann is the front-man for the man who pays his salary here. This was what we got after a team that spent 90m dollars on two centers who could not play with Jagr were handily eliminated by Pittsburgh last spring.
No knock on Lundqvist here who obviously is one of many professional sporting figures who gets it and gives back to the community but how come DiPietro and so many Islanders do similar things and Mr Herrmann does not go to these extremes to hype them?
I guarantee we would not be seeing the same article from Mr Herrmann if DiPietro gave up the goals Lundqvist did against Pittsburgh or had the same mediocre save percentage and gaa Lundqvist does this season.
I have never seen an article written about the Islander franchise goaltender that allows us to know last years All-Star in this manner. I have seen enough pictures of the team events where he is involved.
Not about the Rangers or Lundqvist but a double-standard in reporting. I guarantee we will see the same theme Tuesday night from Mr Herrmann if he is assigned the hockey beat after he put out his negative theme on the Islanders big nights for Al Arbour and the Core of the Four.
AHL.com: Reports Bridgeport won at home against the Portland Pirates Saturday 2-1 on Ben Walter's goal with fifteen seconds left in regulation.
2. BRI Nikiforov, (1) (Hillen, Haskins), 6:57
3. POR Darche, (15) (Kennedy, Mancari), 3:25 (PP)
3. BRI Walter, (11) (Haskins), 19:45
Nate Lawson made twenty six saves, seven thousand in Bridgeport.
Ct Post: Michael Fornabaio has game coverage and a blog entry here head coach Jack Capuano praised his team top to bottom, Ben Walter and Jack Hillen also talk about Bridgeport's win.
Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram: Covers the Pirates.