NYIFC Update/A few more words on prospects

New York Islander Fan Central | 2/12/2009 10:06:00 AM | | |
Still fixing up the bells and whistles aka feeds for NYIFC, most things you click on now should give you the updated correct feeds. I'm still working on the crawl for the top of the page.

I would strongly suggest updating your bookmarks or links because if you continue visiting here through newyorkislanderfancentral.blogspot.com you will keep being asked to redirect or at some point blogger may stop doing that entirely and provide a dead link.

Lose the blogspot.

My thanks to Cory Witt from the Islanders for quickly fixing the re-direct in the blog box page, my profile on the site at some point (along with others) should be updated.

I did tell Mr Witt I have not decided on doing NYIFC beyond this season. I do tend to feel now that Mr Botta has a team sponsored blog that is excellent, the blog box may not be as necessary as it was two summers ago.

Blog box or not, I will do what I have done for a decade, whether I continue doing NYIFC beyond the season will be about what I decide to do next and nothing else.

Regardless all I can do is thank the Islanders for including me and hope my contribution helped them which was my only intention when I signed up. Based on the media and private response I know NYIFC has made a positive difference.

I promise I have made no decision at this time. I can go in any direction with content and format here.

Also my thanks to Mr Botta at Point Blank for linking to NYIFC for the Queens story despite others also providing him with it.

Point Blank: Mr Botta this morning also had an interesting entry on all the failed prospects and feels nothing will be coming from Bridgeport that will make a difference next season.

NYI Fan Central Comments:
The question for me has to be asked when you see Bergenheim making his moves to the net why is he not getting his chance beyond the fourth line, why was Comeau is Bridgeport?

I do not see Andy Hilbert making this moves.

I did my entry yesterday and made these points. I do not see Comeau-Bergenheim or even Tambellini as failed prospects but ones who at least this year have been mismanaged to a degree. Kyle Okposo is on left wing during powerplays for reasons I frankly do not see, especially when Scott Gordon said playing him as a left wing earlier with Guerin and Weight was a mistake.

Nine games to the trade deadline for those scoring at home.

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