NY Times: had enough money in their budget they never have for New York Islander hockey coverage, to provide space for an editorial again ripping the Coliseum referendum Wednesday.
If Mr. Wang needs a new arena, let him build it. Last we checked, professional sports was still a private (and highly lucrative) business, not a public utility.
NY Daily News: Again continued their editorial practice of selective amnesia on 8/3 regarding funding for all local stadiums projects.
NYIFC Comments:
Sure seems like we have read/seen a lot of that, apparently those rules only apply to the New York Islanders, not every other team that got huge taxpayer money or permanent exemptions.
If editorials are going to be based upon outright lies, what's the point of writing them? The Daily News several times pulled this same junk, same as the Post, even insulting everyone's intelligence to a point they wrote the Yankees and Mets privately financed their stadiums?
What's the point of doing editorials based upon lies/selective reporting, when their own paper reported the facts about enormous taxpayer financing for those projects?
There are tons of articles from the same NY Times that the Yankees and Mets received huge taxpayer funds for their stadiums here here here here.
Is it all about the Times, News and Post are too cheap to cover New York Islander hockey? Is their end game to save on coverage permanently? Anyone who could find the Dolan's lukewarm/half-baked Newsday endorsement after weeks of negative coverage that already got out their true message (come to our taxpayer exempt building getting eleven million dollars a year permanently in NYC) should know better.
Reality is the Times, News and Post need NY baseball teams, and their advertising budgets, so they looked the other way on financing or wrapped themselves (like Mike Bloomberg) in a sea of baseball propaganda when it's taxpayer money for something that helps their business, however when it teams they can save money on not by not coveting them they present editorials based on lies?
That's where Charles Wang and especially Howard Saffan should focus their disappointment and anger, along with Ed Mangano making this a public issue in the first place. If this was a referendum for something Dolan/Cablevision wanted built not one negative word would have been printed in Newsday.
Not like these editorials are going to even give you an honest history. Funny, but I never saw in all the Yankee/Steinbrenner outright threats one word that the Yankees or Mets should fund it themselves. Not even in 1971 when Mayor Lindsay ran right to the taxpayers to renovate Yankee Stadium to keep the team from relocating.
But why write editorials on the facts?
That would be bad for the NY Times, NY Daily News and NY Post advertising and their bottom line covering baseball. You think the NY Times hockey bloggers are going to risk their credential and correctly point out the entire history?
Look how hard, Ken Belson and Dave Caldwell got busy to push the Islanders out the door in the Times? So transparent and downright dishonest.
Think a blogger who the NY Times backed last November, is going to question the NY Times?
All one big lie.
* Anyone else actually believe Ted Nolan was going to stay in Rochester when Buffalo bought the affiliate do not have long memories? No chance Darcy Regier or Lindy Ruff would not have one bit of that.
Welcome to Latvia, Ted Nolan.
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