Mostly a quiet time.
Somerby is an UFA on 8/15. Snow can stock his pool with a few similar players now.
Went as deep as I care to go on Sound Tigers. Ledecky must respond this week (8/14) & we will get more of an idea of how our owners do business. (along with Bridgeport government)
So Saffan expects 250,000 customers a year there, paying $60.00 average ticket prices?
Color me very skeptical.
Cuomo/Dolan Belmont Taxpayer Ponzi-Scheme RFP Arena likely sits in Dolan media blackout mode, their narrative is set, same as 2011 that defeated the vote.
Maybe a few cheap shots or deflection articles about Coliseum, Prokhorov, Ratner or some politicians using the bring the team home campaign dance in a Dolan outlet with some writers/bloggers who need resume building.
We are going to find out what our new owners can actually get done.
We'll see if Mr Malkin-Ledecky want to use their names to be pawns as a 41 day tenant as every other NHL team (especially Arizona/Ottawa/Kanata) recognize their teams must play inside a major city to survive, not spend 485 million to go back to a place it failed miserably with less fans at the games in a place that hosted Saturday night games.
Would get interesting if Malkin-Ledecky were trotted out as RFP winner, then Barclay's decided not to opt out of any leases & fix up the building, and our owners did the smart business move & stayed.
Don Monti was named Master Developer at the Coliseum site, you remember the maps I drew here who had what, he walked away.
RFP winners walk away all the time. Ratner walked from Barclay's/Nets, and has only a 15 percent stake in the Coliseum project. This Coliseum agreement was 260 million in a 130/130 split. 165 million was overspent on arena.
We can expect a new County Executive come November.
AEG/Barclay's vs Dolan's Oakview (who's never spent real money not from taxpayers and is the only money with no real arena building background) could backfire on them based on Seattle, his issues with the Clippers building next to his LA Forum, & now trying to place an arena between the Barclay's & Coliseum?
Between Penn Station downstairs, Moynihan Station, and Dolan's tax exemption upstairs, not even Andrew Cuomo's, Empire State Development can throw much more taxpayer money at Dolan who just spend over 500 million on phase one while the MTA is neglected downstairs.
By the end of January the distractions will be over regarding an arena.
I'm not a hundred percent on Tavares but expect he will be signed in camp as long as he's promised the team will stay in New York.
Our fans drive these owners out & stay home, everyone could opt out in January & this team is gone forever by May 2018.