Tavares contract, Barclay's January decision, along with Cuomo/Dolan Belmont ponzi-scheme arena.
Newsday, News12 selling their employers narrative/agenda as they did in 2011 to defeat the vote, and to rip the current Coliseum because Mangano picked Ratner over Dolan in 2013 because he demands taxpayer money to support all of his bids.
We will see if we have bright owners who bought a NYC team, and over time will understand NYC after two years of endless negativity (fueled by Dolan's media) has produced superior attendance to being the hidden team in Nassau 16 times since 1989-90, tied Barclay's 13,000+ six other years.
And that's without Saturday games at Barclay's & many Sun afternoon games during the NFL season.
Over time I have zero doubt Barclay's or inside NYC will continue to improve, as the fan base grows, while the Dolan's do all in their power to hide the team on their media outlets. 29 teams play inside a city, the other two (Ottawa/Arizona) made clear they want to move into a city.
We'll see if our owners will be as gullible as many fans, move into a Dolan revenge arena, and when the usual 8,000 show up starting game 2, this lease will allow Malkin-Ledecky to sell/funnel the team to Dolan's ponzi-scheme in Seattle.
Dolan's television gm, Andrea Greenberg, will be hiding 16 games on +2. (including the final four regular season games) Devils (14+2 games) will get eight prime Msg games, NYI were doubled from one game to two.
Neil Best can't write this in Dolan's paper or about the preseason games, Ms Greenberg, tells the Islanders their games cannot be shown on the internet from any provider or even another teams feed.
Mr Best will tell us how low ratings are with his usual enthusiasm, not the damage 16 hidden games does to those ratings which was considered 35-50 percent but that was from 1998 or year one James Dolan got full control of NYI-telecast & pulled games off television entirely.
Staple will do his usual poor job, with far less coverage than Hank Winnicki allows for Dolan's teams, and the theme will be negative. The bloggers will look out for themselves, not the truth.
We will see if Doug Weight has anything new with no real experience as a head coach, beyond being Capuano's assistant for years, and Snow's asst gm since 2014.
Making the playoffs is never easy, they have a tough schedule to start.
As always there will be good surprises/regression from some players.
And this team has some good young players/prospects with 20+ goal forwards in Ladd, Lee, Eberle, Chimera, Tavares, Nelson.
There will always be injuries, Quine/Prince to start, but this is a year on normal rest, without Olympics, or WC games.
I cannot promise any entries beyond this, only that this website will be here all season.
31 forwards, 16 defensemen and 5 goalies make up the #Isles 2017-18 Training Camp roster. Details: https://t.co/Fbbg7HZcCf pic.twitter.com/MffxzSgnK0
— New York Islanders (@NYIslanders) September 15, 2017