There could be a season cancellation announced 11/18 for all teams in the Northeast (Worcester) division.
#NYI #isles Yes, the @RailersHC will be one of the Northeast teams to suspend play for all of 2020-21, the players are all immediately UFA.
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) November 18, 2020
@NYI #isles @RailersHC Some doubts about Railers starting on 1/15/21 now, building could be part of a field hospital.
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) November 18, 2020
Bettman/Daly, will wait as long as possible, but made clear they don't want another summer of NHL, they want 2021-22 to start in October 2021. As for AHL hard to see how long this lasts with no people paying for tickets.