#NYI #isles 28 minute video conference on Belmont showing blueprints, how teams enter/exit, ticket demographics and more. Posted August 2021. https://t.co/FaDiAZ4BhM
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) August 27, 2021
#NYI #isles Season ticket demographics show Brooklyn as a robust fan base which shows it was working at @barclayscenter interesting numbers on NYC/Queens.
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) August 27, 2021
Image cut off on video. pic.twitter.com/Xf0Te9nfLG
NYIFC Comments:
Everyone knows what I think of Belmont, but bottom line is this place creates revenue/attendance to support a 2021 NHL top payroll, & fans show up, or tenant NYI will be relocated via their very cleap/or free buyout clause. Already money was taken for preseason games that will not be played, and if this team goes there well under five hundred, good luck when people discover they have to pay NYC prices for parking, that walk to LIRR is a very long one, and days of tailgaiting outdoors are over because grills in public park is not permitted. Also UBS is selling this NYC branded building, with NYC/music tributes for Dolan's guys who run/book it because it's not for tenant NYI. Without Cuomo, it could be scrutinized more. Will see how long fans support it.
Video has some new things in it but no one is asking tough questions Nassau renovation/Barclay's got non-stop.