Lamoriello speaks from Nashville:

New York Islander Fan Central | 6/28/2023 03:12:00 AM |
Waiting for video if available, my preference is to have Lamoriello speak to you directly, not bloggers/fringe media for a team with one full time beatwriter who works for Dolan's team also.

At 10am on 6/28 or about 15 hours later the team posted an update with no audio or video here.
Long story short, made assumptions about cap that were wrong & regrets some signings three years ago.

Mitch Korn returning, likes John Collins does not effect Lamoriello's decisions. Corey Schneider to Europe, expect some RFA not getting qualifying offers. No update coaching staff, Bailey. Parise undecided. Unlikely to trade into 1st round.

NYIFC Comments:

Long story short they are stuck with the bad contract decisions of Pageau, Palmieri, Cizikas, Martin, Johnston, and others, as teams around them continue to add scoring depth as we saw Devils do today. This is how you become a charter member of the miss the playoffs five years or longer as Sorokin faces UFA, and 31 other teams that would pay top dollar with a better chance at winning.

Now you know why I am very negative about what I saw in 2020-2021 with these very bad long term commitments.

We might find out who Lamoriello did not qualify on Friday, my expectation is Bode Wilde, Jakub Skarek will not receive offers.

What do I think of John Collins? His SPAC is being sued and his name is accused of defrauding people, I posted these updates here because it's important to know what Collins/Betway which is a team sponsor are involved in.

The draft center is up at the prospect site.