Bortuzzo trade/Pulock to IR/Odd games/Odd trends

New York Islander Fan Central | 12/08/2023 04:07:00 PM |

This is not last season where they lost to bad teams, and beat teams they were not expected to win against. It's also not 2021-22 where the over 500. teams dominated them. 2023-24 is one where they are fragile, give up 35-40 shots vs almost everyone, are rarely blown out, and without scoring from so many, rarely lose in regulation with an aging/slow forward group. My estmimate is they need 17 over to qualify. Many times I have written the name of the game is don't lost in regulation, but all seasons produce new trends, and this one has been how fragile they are when other teams make a push in games that should have been wins. It's as odd as a 6th overall powerplay that just has inflated numbers because of bounces/Dobson's skills.