#NYC #NYI #isles All teams had development camps, besides Nassau deadbeats with no home means NYI cannot afford one. Why are we doing anything in Nassau where playoff tickets were $30 because of fan apathy.
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) July 8, 2024
Before Covid they had prospect camps every summer, before moving to Barc they had them on their shoestring budgets at Iceworks. Covid is over at this time, all teams bring their prospects in for a brief camp, many teams will have tournaments. Our team will have their mini-camp where all the Boston drafted propsects in September cannot attend because they were in school or their teams seasons have started.
Why is our team not using Northwell, that awful failed experiment at Belmont that is costing two billion by the time everything promised is done sitting next to the Belmont rubble as that fell forever this weekend? Oh yes, the more astute fans know prospects have to pay their own way to get to a prospect came, so John Collins SPAC does not pay. Where is Lamoriello and our minimal coaching staff not demanding a camp so our prospects get familiar with the training of an NHL player like everyone else is doing while Iskhakov told the team thanks but no thanks with his qualifying offer?