"You hold a team to 17 shots in their own building, you can't be too disappointed," coach Ted Nolan said. "Their three goals all came on broken plays."
"There was no power in the power play," Nolan said. "You have to get shots through."
"We were not sharp on the power play," Sillinger said. "You have to take the shot when you have the shot. Every time we got to the middle of the ice, we threw the puck back to the corner. If there was one area where we lost the game, it was special teams."
Newsday: Logan's second article was an update on Bill Guerin, Bergenheim's return to the lineup, finding DiPietro some time to rest in the schedule and a few other items.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Note-Of course after Dan Martin did his preview to ask about attendance he was not permitted to travel to Philadelphia for the Post. Why did they even bother with a preview?
Philadelphia Daily News & Phiadelphia Inquirer Phillyburbs.com Delco Times have the Flyer centric coverage.
Ct Post: Michael Fornabaio's article is on Sean Bentivoglio starting to score for the Sound Tigers.