From what I understand one of the new blogger feeder widgets was the problem for a lot of folks but being that I had a feeder for all those websites anyway I deleted it.
Along those lines the page may load slowly but for now it appears to be back which is what matters.
The comments in Joel Rechlicz topic got caught up in what happened and were lost as I attempted to approve them on Thursday so the wrecker apparently lived up to his nickname.
I deleted/reposted the thread but the comments I could not recover. If the same folks want to again repost what they had to say of course I will approve it.
I did push back some blogs I had scheduled for the next few days so they would be released at a point everyone can read them when hopefully things are back to a hundred percent.
Just wanted to update everyone on why you have not been able to access the page and of course thank everyone.
As for the important hockey-related items: John Sanful reports Finland needed a sixty one shot effort to win again at the WC Friday in their 2-1 win against Latvia.
Note-Sean Bergenheim had no stats, only played three minutes and did not see the ice in the third period after seeing a little more than a minute in the first two periods. He was not the only forward benched but he has not been seeing many minutes at the WC so far.
Finland's next game is Sunday against team USA.
It goes without saying Mr Botta's blog will continue here as long as he decides to write updates which seems to be 7/7 according to his update. I hope folks contact his blog and ask he keep it going permanently because obviously he loves hockey and what he has to say is always worth reading.
The Edmonton Sun had some comments from the Oil Kings on Robin Figren.
Katie Strang in Newsday's blog is promising a feature.
Mr Fornabaio in the Ct Post has been updating his blog on the AHL playoffs and some other things.
I did update the draft center with the latest update today from the Islanders website.
Of course by now everyone knows Toronto fired Paul Maurice. Scott Burnside reports the Thrashers are about to ask gm Don Wadell to step down.
Denver Post: Adrian Dater reports Joel Quenneville will not be returning as coach of the Colorado Avalanche with comments from the former coach and and general manager Francois Giguere.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Can anyone imagine if Charles Wang or Garth Snow decided to do this. Quenneville was not hired by this general manager, he was hired by former gm Pierre Lacroix.
For those scoring at home: Dave Nonis, Bob Hartley, Joel Quenneville, Glen Hanlon and Paul Maurice are among the name coaches currently looking for work.