UFA will not be included, only RFA.
Of course all prospects will be included, I'm not going to rank them for a depth chart but just fill things out based by position:
Left Wing--------------Center------------------Right Wing
Sean Bergenheim--------Mike Comrie-------------Bill Guerin
Blake Comeau-----------Mike Sillinger----------Trent Hunter
Jon Sim----------------Richard Park------------Kyle Okposo
Jeff Tambellini--------Andy Hilbert------------Tim Jackman
Jesse Joensuu----------Shawn Bates-------------Joel Rechlicz
Steve Regier-----------Jeremy Colliton---------Matt Keith C/RW
Sean Bentivoglio-------Frans Nielsen-----------Robin Figren
Jason Pitton-----------Ben Walter--------------Shea Guthrie
Masi Marjamaki---------Rob Hennigar------------Brian Day
Tomas Marcinko---------Trevor Smith------------Rhett Rakhshani
Maxim Gratchev---------Luciano Aquino----------Igor Volkov
Jason Gregiore---------Doug Rogers
Kim Johansson----------Evgeni Tunik
Troy Matilla
Aaron Johnson
Bruno Gervais
Chris Campoli
Radek Martinek
Andy Sutton
Brendan Witt
Freddy Meyer
Dustin Kohn
Jack Hillen
Andrew MacDonald
Mark Wotton
Jamie Fraser
Drew Fata
Mark Katic
Blake Kessel
Simon Lacroix
Tyrell Mason
Shane Simms
Alexei Stonkus
Emile Axelsson
Rick DiPietro
Joey MacDonald
Mike Mole
Stephan Ridderwall
Jase Weslosky