Until we know what kind of coach is hired and what his philosophy will be is were stuck in terms of what kind of discussion we can have moving forward.
No doubt Ted Nolan had his favorites among prospects/veterans and many of those players had to win him over with their play and this will be the same with a new coach who will form his own impressions. A player who did well under Ted Nolan may struggle under a new coach and a player who struggled under Nolan may do better with another coach.
We have read alot about the defensive system being a problem, will a change help prevent goals but also prevent scoring, is there a balance?
A player like Bergenheim or even a Robert Nilsson may have been popular with Steve Stirling/Brad Shaw but both had to almost start from scratch with Ted Nolan.
Bergenheim won over his coach while Nilsson was demoted on day one of camp not being allowed to go with the A group when the squads were split.
This will be the same with the current group of players and prospects, some will thrive while others will struggle in competition.
Until a coach is hired all we can do is watch and wait.