Given the sort of reported final choices by an NHL source to Newsday I have a quick poll for everyone to make their own pick among the three choices with a fourth outside option just in case.
When the Isles announce a new coach, the poll ends. I kind of expect we will know by Tuesday at the latest and I think it will start leaking out by Monday afternoon who the choice will be.
Either way we going ahead with our live blog and chat for Tuesday at 1pm for everyone who would like to talk a little New York Islander Hockey, no registration required and everyone is welcome as always.
Been a while since we talked Isles with Nolan out and a new coach in and camp about a month away, chat will go for as long as folks wish to talk so it could be boom or bust doing it in August but past chats were a huge hit.
Sorry I could not provide more on the Team US camp out of Lake Placid, only one reporter from covered the event with USA hockey so we had that here.
By the end of this week I will be taking a little break from blogging because hockey season never really ended and it's vacation time. I will pre-schedule a few blogs while I'm gone. The news feeds, team feeds, blog box feeds always has the latest from everyone so this blog is always updating even if I'm not.
After that I will pick it up again with player profiles, whatever preseason predictions I can find along with whatever is happening. Camp will be here very soon, the spring and summer flew by as it's been over four months since the last game.
Who was my pick as coach?
I picked Bob Hartley. No one has lasted here beyond two years if they do not win as coach. My guess is neither does Garth Snow or his choice as his coach unless it's clear the program is on the right track.
Give me the guy with the ring, not the one who never really won anything in Paul Maurice, nice man I'm sure but this is not only about how well both gm and coach get along, it's about winning and no organization goes all prospects. People who work together very well also lose and go down together in flames.
If not Hartley, give me Gordon, he has a very impressive resume and is at that point where he's earned a shot at the right age. Mr Botta got it right to me when he wrote the Isles seven on defense is much better than folks will give them credit for. This team will be ok if they get any kind of scoring and powerplay production with any semblence of health regardless who is hired.