Kristian Huselius for Weight possible?

New York Islander Fan Central | 12/28/2008 05:54:00 PM | |
It's interesting, a credible media trade rumor from the professional writers for at least two publications and worth a few words.

Garth Snow's past interest in Huseluis at the trade deadline combined with Kyle Okposo in Doug Weight's powerplay spot makes this something that bears close watching.

With Comrie healthy and Sillinger, Colliton & Walter getting chances something has to give down the middle and at even strength.

Huseluis improves the left wing and gives them a top six forward and on this club a first line left wing. Adding his salary also gives something Garth Snow something folks are not talking about and that is room to subtract salary at the trade deadline because his club is too close to the cap floor at this time.

It's not as easy as moving Guerin (NTC), Comrie, and other players for second/third rounders at the deadline when you are near the cap floor, other general managers know it too.

I do not see it as a straight trade because Columbus would have to take back some salary and with so many left wings here I would have to think Snow wants to include Jon Sim for starters.

Trevor Smith, Jesse Joensuu and other left wings in Bridgeport need to get a look soon.

From a Columbus standpoint if they want out from under Huselius contract (very big if) and he is not the right fit for Scott Howson's team/Ken Hitchcock coaching it's possible.

Nikita Filatov is primarily a left wing and if recalled to Columbus would likely slide into that spot.

Columbus if they want to take a run at a playoff spot this makes sense on a lot of levels to add Weight's powerplay skill while Garth Snow tries to improve his own roster.

Comeau, Bergenheim, Tambellini play the left side with Hilbert and Sim. Since last summer we have been writing about something giving here, considering how this has played out almost anything could happen.

On the back line with Martinek/Sutton out and Pock/Gervais in Columbus may have to give Snow something for the backline or Garth Snow decides he wants more flexibility by recalling Hillen or getting out from under a defensive group all signed through at least 2010.

I have a feeling we are going to find out very soon what Garth Snow can do in the trade market.

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