This week's poll had the following question and was added on the heels of Brendan Witt's recent comments.
Is Scott Gordon's Overspeed system the problem?
Here are the current results as we hit the final day:
Unconventional system, no club at this level can have success playing this way
5 (11%)
Can only work in AHL with days off and depth
5 (11%)
Islanders lack of talent and injuries the problem
18 (42%)
Other teams figure out how to exploit his system quickly
3 (7%)
Better players would have success with it
10 (23%)
It's not a system built to club's strength as advertised
6 (14%)
No system will work with this group
2 (4%)
Scott Gordon better adjust or he should be fired
5 (11%)
Garth Snow should keep coach and find players to play coaches system
12 (28%)
This system put the team on this losing streak
4 (9%)
No system could have prevented this losing streak
8 (19%)
Not sure, let's see more hockey
2 (4%)
Nice job on the voting here, a lot of folks felt it was the injuries and the lack of talent but some sided with Brendan Witt's take also.
A few felt Scott Gordon has to adjust or he should be fired but Garth Snow gave him complete support since the poll started.