Rick DiPietro and Freddy Meyer did not practice.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Doug Weight for someone saying he does not want to lose minutes for a youth movement if he is playing well combined with his recent comments about likely not returning if he is traded is doing a good job forcing the general managers hand to trade him down the road unless he has a very good relationship with Snow/Gordon.
No general manager or coach will react well to comments bordering on ultimatums in the press. This is the second time unless Weight was misquoted.
Newsday: Greg Logan's Saturday mid-afternoon insider had mostly a recap of the first forty one games and Scott Gordon's comments on the two hundred sixty plus games lost to injury and how it has prevented a fair assessment of what's going to work for vs what's not going to work for us because of the constant change of personnel.
Also included was praise for the young players and more talk of criticism of the coaches system by veterans inside and outside the lockeroom (Mr Logan does not expand on this) as well as the Edmonton experience for Bill Guerin, Doug Weight a few words on Eric Nystrom.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
If Mr Logan writes several veteran players have expressed serious reservations about whether the coach's system can be as successful at the NHL level at this point we should know who beyond Brendan Witt and a player on another team.
Are two several?
Scott Gordon for his part did not give Joey MacDonald the blanket praise he has earned for his play which goes beyond any statistic. Mr Logan may not be much of a DiPietro fan and feels he would have a tough time facing this many shots but without MacDonald this team would be involved in a lot more blowouts against and never would have been a period from five hundred in late November before the bottom fell out for good.
Never one not to not stir something up Mr Logan ads if the current veterans leave the organization disillusioned with the lack of progress and the chance for future success it may not bode well for future free agents signing if the Isles do not secure one of the two top picks in the draft.
Of course a lot of teams have poor seasons where veterans depart and those organizations can sign players.
Newsday: Cody Derespina has an update on Director of player development Bryan Trottier, who is in China with the kids for the Project Hope tournament with the kids owner Charles Wang is sponsoring.
NY Post: Larry Brooks was due for a few shots at the Islanders, todays was a mild one questioning Josh Bailey not playing for Canada at the WJC.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Anyone honestly think Mr Brooks cares none of the other prospects with their NHL clubs were released to play for Canada? It's kind of like the Post marketing Lundqvist campaign the last few days instead of sending a writer out to cover actual games which is the best way you market a team.
Ct Post: Michael Fornabaio covered Bridgeport's 2-1 win against Hartford at Harbor Yard Saturday, Trevor Smith returned and scored a five on three goal.
Ct Post: Mr Fornabaio in his Ct Post blog had a lot of items that did not make the paper about the game which had some weather related issues. Head coach Jack Capuano comments on the win with Islanders head coach Scott Gordon in attendance.
Nate Lawson had thirty three saves, Yann Danis was the backup.
Hartford Courant: Covers the Wolfpack.