Lighthouse Update: Mr Wang-Rechler comments

New York Islander Fan Central | 2/24/2009 02:44:00 PM | | |
Mr Wang has about fifty seconds on Newsday with his comments today which was all presentation on the Lighthouse.

Long Island Business News: David Winzelberg reports the Town of Hempstead on Tuesday approved the environmental scoping for redeveloping 150 acres around the Nassau Coliseum with Islander owner Charles Wang's and Scott Rechler's comments.

The town will now review the Lighthouse’s draft statement before asking for a final version, which will be one of the last hurdles developers face before applying for site plan approval.

NYI Fan Central Comments:
In short the TOH approved the environmental scoping gave it back to the developers for them to submit a response which apparently Mr Wang and Mr Rechler already had prepared for them so it's right back in the TOH's hands.

Newsday: Eden Laiken had a update this morning before the meeting but has a few extra details on what's ahead.

NYI Fan Central Comments:

If Newsday has a post-meeting update I will add it in when I can later.


The Lighthouse website released the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (“DGEIS”) here which is over hundred pages but pictures and details of the project.

Town of Has Supervisor Kate Murray's comments on Tuesday's meeting and the PDF of the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement which was approved Tuesday here.

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