Apparently claiming our own domain months ago has a time limit in terms of feeds working or redirections and as of yesterday will give you a message asking if you want to redirect here first.
This change happened in the last twenty four hours and it's created problems.
I'm going to have to work on feeds part which means changes over the next few days some widgets/crawls will not update for those subscribing to feeds and my guess is I will have to start with brand new feeders which means old ones will not work.
In terms of redirection simply update your url/bookmark/cookie to the follow direct link here which many have already.
New York Islander Fan Central
Sorry folks, not my idea.
Here is the new feeder for New York Islander Fan Central.
Anything that has this afternoon's announcements/Devils preview is from the new feed and ok to subscribe to.
Some things like blog box widgets/feed burner should also work under new feed.
Crawl on top of page may be more an issue with that company so for now I took it down.