Newsday: John Jeansonne recaps New York's 3-2 win against Phoenix with comments from head coach Scott Gordon, Yann Danis and Josh Bailey for a team 9-2-2 in their last thirteen home games.
Team Cablevision got a live game blog on the Newsday website, blog updates from Katie Strang and Steve Zipay for the game and an extra article. Mark Herrmann writing from Toronto (baseball) reminded Islander fans in a brief update they now only trail Tampa Bay by four points and could lose Johathan Tavares.
No blog updates in the Islander Newsday space today which apparently now is advertising it's Newspaper during games and on the teams website. Steve Zipay worked on his off-day last week according to the paper.
NY Post Dan Martin with comments from Yann Danis, Scott Gordon and Coyote coach Wayne Gretzky & Daily News.
Arizona Republic/AP: Covers the Coyotes. Jon Sim has two goals in Bridgeport's 6-3 win against Hartford Sunday at Harbor Yard.
1. BRI Sim, (3) (Lessard, Lee), 2:09 (PP)
1. HFD Pyatt, (15) (Parenteau), 13:06 (PP)
2. BRI Colliton, (7) (Sim, Mannino), 10:33 (PP)
2. BRI Sim, (4) , 14:51
3. BRI Colliton, (8) (Lee, Smith), 0:41
3. BRI Smith, (27) (Colliton), 3:31
3. HFD Rissmiller, (8) (Parenteau), 12:02
3. HFD Ouellette, (12) (Owens), 12:37 (SH)
3. BRI Haskins, (9) (MacDonald), 19:47 (EN)
Peter Mannino started in goal (21 saves) for Bridgeport who drew close to 14,000 this weekend for games.
Ct Post: Michael Fornabaio's game coverage of Bridgport's win against Hartford and blog.
Hartford Courant: Covers the Wolfpack.