New York Draft Notables

New York Islander Fan Central | 6/27/2014 02:45:00 PM |
Not expecting anything major from Garth Snow, or in general around the league in terms of major trades beyond those players who have demanded trades to teams of their choice.

Yes, Kessler got his trade, no doubt Spezza will also.

With the NHL today all the top free agents signed long-term deals with a no trade/move clause, it's not something you can quickly engineer without player/agent approval at any time much less during a draft on live television.

Even Garrison had his NTC which he had to waive to be moved to Tampa to pay less taxes on his contract.

To get something done on draft day, or at the podium it takes deals involving fringe players with no trade refusal rights or just moving picks. Granted Staal, Schneider were host team draft moves that were not inexpensive but projected well in advance.

A lot more rhetoric/hype than trades, as usual.

Will the free agent discussion period that opened 6/25 change anything today or Saturday? No, beyond the fact Snow has days to talk to free agents who are usually signed by 1pm on 7/1 before he likely picks up the phone or after it's decided.

It's a nice showcase for others to claim how aggressive he's been recruiting.

Does it influence a player to sign with the Islanders (not front-loaded) on 7/1.

History says no because all top free agents want front-loaded money only.

Interesting to see if Charles Wang is at the draft table/interviews for ITV... I'm betting absolutely.

One for one..

As for Friday night, I have a 7:46 entry on Michael Dal Colle I hope can be posted. Not as big on the potentially lower scoring Reinhart simply to unite the brothers.