The @NYIslanders have selected Oak View Group to manage @Webster_Arena.
— Bridgeport Sound Tigers (@TheSoundTigers) February 21, 2019
Full story:
#NYI #isles The agreement in Bridgeport was from 2001-2021, it went from Boe/Centerplate to Wang in 2011 when he bought operation but all rights to operate building revert back to Bridgeport in 2021 when they can renegotiate, with any Sound Tiger obligation over.
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) February 21, 2019
The standing agreement through 2021 is the arena operator (now Oakview) is required to supply an AHL team or better, it no longer has to be the Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Oakview can bring in Dolan's Wolfpack or any AHL team they want. As for the rest of this the Islanders can sign any long-term agreement they want with Oakview, but unless they make a new agreement with Bridgeport in 2021, it does not matter.
#NYI #isles Funny how according to Baumbach, Dolan is no longer directly involved in Belmont but was the first to break Oakview grabbing Bridgeport from NYI? Sounds directly involved as ever w/Oakview to point this was timed to counter LIBN release or news Dolan does not like
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) February 22, 2019