Impressive. I post this in morning, he joins twitter at night.
Ready to defend myself in the Twittersphere. Let's have some fun!
— Mike Milbury (@realmikemilbury) May 27, 2020
When Milbury had money to spend for a few months before ownership demanded more cost-cutting trades, he struggled in deals badly. Between Hlavac, Lukowich, Nemchinov a descent core that would have helped kept being downsized. The return for Jorgen Jonsson was poor. This really changed my impressions beyond the big deals, and the wins like Czerkawski, Blake, Hunter.
#NYI #isles Part 6 The Luongo trade, a few trades skipped here, and a win but more problems for Milbury as he left his team short goalies and had to bring in a 40 year old Vanbiesbrouck. Missed some deals like Blake so including Part 6a
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) May 26, 2020
2-5-9-7-30 plus 1-0-0-0-7
#NYI #isles Final entry: More mistakes. Final record 4 Major wins, 7 wins, 10 Major losses, 14 losses, 35 not consequential trades. This deep dive changed my mind because so many deals that flew under radar were terrible, many without money an issue or they can spend this month.
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) May 26, 2020