#NYC #NYI #isles Too many shots against, too many minutes played, too many saves. It's that simple to go with a horrible penalty kill. 200+ more shots faced then his counterparts. pic.twitter.com/2vjOOnJdMa
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) February 27, 2024
It would hardly shock me if Sorokin's agent is screaming for a trade, despite his contract. He's the only reason for three years they have not been 14th-15th in their division.
#NYC #NYI #Isles Our goalie has faced most shots in NHL, are at historic levels for powerplay goals allowed, can't hold a lead to save their lives, and shockingly do not have a single ENG the entire season, and yet ping pong gets 5 million while Dufour and Koivula sit in AHL.
— New York Islander Fan Central (@NYIFANCENTRAL) February 27, 2024