The early part of the article was Weight talking about playing one of his former teams.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
This was the Ranger article in the paper today for those wondering that was basically all Islander including practice update from Sunday.
Newsday: Greg Logan's article is essentially a repeat of his Sunday afternoon blog as the beatwriters end game with the media policy and DiPietro's injury saga continues which for some reason now includes Mr Botta's Point Blank blog as a part of the story because he reported DiPietro will not play.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
I feel bad for DiPietro in all this, he said himself this has become a distraction and he is correct. Bottom line is he has to do whatever it takes to return to full health for as long as it takes and follow the folks who make the medical decisions.
Beyond that he plays when he is ready whether it be tonight, next week, next month or next year.
Ct Post: Mr Fornabaio's article has head coach Jack Capuano praising Tim Jackman's example he sets for the young players while Jeremy Colliton talks about how the team has to skate and be physical regardless of who it is along with some changes made to the forwards.
Watertown Daily Times: Max Delsignore has Bridgeport defenseman Chris Lee's comments on his overtime preseason goal and his concussion against Florida as he is expected to be cleared Monday to rejoin his Bridgeport teammates.
Apparently Mr Logan in the Islanders Newsday blog is still playing the fan card for our benefit as the whining & complaining continues about the media policy as now we have to read about things regarding Mr Botta and their communication and not tonight's game here.
NYI Fan Central Comments:
Sad day when Dan Martin has more from the players on how they are getting better in this system then the person assigned to provide coverage cannot give it a rest. I guess now hockey takes a backseat?
Maybe Mr Logan would like to save some of this energy for getting our fans some television programming from his boss starting with a pre-game tonight if he wants to continue his writer for the fans act.
All he does is rally the fans against the club for a lot of other reasons that have nothing to do with the injury policy.
His complaining is now the biggest distraction of all but at least he is keeping up with Mr Zipay so I guess that's something?
I expect Mr Herrmann or someone from Newsday will have Mr Logan's back if this goes much further. All of this is very much about friendships, bond and ties along with access and has nothing to do with our fans and information.
I'm kind of laughing at all of this folks and I hope you do also.
The New York Islanders are not breaking barriers or inventing rules here with it's policy and a lot of pro teams do the same thing as we saw with Joe Giradi on television late this season and Mr Coles just this week.
It's beyond comical a team beatwriter writer who did not once write about the team on his beat losing four hundred man games plus to injury a year ago or even bother blogging or writing when DiPietro got hurt in Atlanta all of a sudden is this fired up about the reporting of injuries?
All I know is I would like to get back to some actual hockey reporting.